Wednesday, December 3, 2008

#66 Moving along

Watch, now instead of disappearing, I will become the THING that won't go away! Time is such a strange thing. Most of the time it goes by too quickly, however when big changes and shifts and adjustments are going on , though it still goes by quickly, I feel each week almost as though I am a new person, or at least a person exploring life anew. One week I think I am staying in my house, and the next week i am certain I am moving and it feels dreadful. Then the next week I am certain I am moving and it feels like sweet relief...etc.etc. When trying to get"control" of ones destiny in a a new and different way, it is almost as though you have to be strong enough to let go of so much control to gain control...does that make sense?

The two yarns I spoke about were;
Cascade Lana Grande for the Double Dumpling and this picture even shows the yummy pink I am knitting with (did my needle clicking bug you during this episode??)

Rowan purelife for the regular Dumpling

Please say hello if you are out there...and please knit something that you love and maybe challenge yourself with something that scares you a bit!


katerina said...

Sharon, I'm a podcast behind, but still here and listening! Glad to hear you're still plugging along too - hang in there!
after reading your post, now I'm antsy to listen to #66, but I have to wait till i get home!!

noricum said...

Hee! I heard my name! (And of course it was me, and not any of your other listeners who might be named Andrea. ;) )

I'm slow about commenting about stuff on podcasts (if I manage it at all, that is...). I meant to say *hugs* from me to the last one. And I'm here and still listening. (Or, rather, relatively newly returned, after an absence of a while.)

kathy b said...

Hi. IM Kathy b. Ive never listened to a pod cast. I dont know how.

Im going to try lace! AGAIN! Im going to be patient with myself. A little. Im going to try an easy peasy pattern.

Denise said...

thanks for the challenge to knit something fear trying! I'll be praying for you as you look at homes in California.

Denise, in affordable Oklahoma

Gemma said...

Hello! I am a long-time lurker and glad to just stick my head in and say "Howdy!" As always, I look forward to each episode. And, yes, I fear "Podcaster's Regret Syndrome" myself. Keep up the great podcast!
Warm hugs,
Dr Gemma (of CogKNITive podcast)